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The UAE Banking Sentiment Index


  • Key metrics:

  • -7.4%

    Industry Net Sentiment

  • 3.2%

    Net Sentiment top performer:Commercial Bank of Dubai

  • 72%

    Industry response rate

DataEQ has published its third UAE Banking Sentiment Index, in collaboration with KPMG, revealing how seven of the region’s major banks compare in the eyes of consumers on social media.

The seven banks benchmarked in the analysis are Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, Commercial Bank of Dubai, Dubai Islamic Bank, Emirates NBD, First Abu Dhabi Bank, and Mashreq Bank UAE.

Both operational and reputational Net Sentiment improved from last year’s study, resulting in an industry aggregate of -7.4%. This marks a seven-percentage point improvement from last year’s industry aggregate of -14.4%, but still sees an overall negative Net Sentiment score.

Contact us to read the full report

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