DataEQ identifies every risk-related mention contained in your online conversation. Social media is an influential and volatile space where reputational crises unfold rapidly. When these high-risk mentions surface, they can cause significant and lasting damage. We identify risk signals in their infancy before a crisis unfolds.
Risk and Reputation Management
Manage risk and protect your reputation with real-time monitoring
DataEQ’s Risk and Reputation Management solution is designed to protect against reputational and organisational damage by identifying and alerting you to all potentially damaging social media conversations in real time.

New online risks demand real-time monitoring

A rapid early warning system
By monitoring conversation in real-time, DataEQ alerts you to the risk-related conversation as it occurs. We’ll send you risk alerts notifying you of unusual spikes in risk conversation. This allows your risk and communications teams to timeously prioritise and address significant reputational and operational issues before they escalate online or in the press.

Proactively intervene and minimise damage
Using our proprietary prioritisation methodology, we identify the risks that require your urgent attention and action. These high-risk mentions are usually of a legal, ethical or political nature. By adding the DataEQ Engage tool you’ll be able to respond to high-risk social media mentions that require urgent action or escalation.

Understand risk issues and respond with a data-led strategy
Establish a holistic understanding of an online risk crisis, including scale, location and granularity. With topics data, you can identify the specific issues that are driving public backlash and outrage. These insights can be used to develop reactive or proactive communications and interventions. Continuous monitoring enables organisations to measure the impact of their tactics and adjust their strategy accordingly.
Analyse is a powerful insights and analytics tool used to monitor, measure, and benchmark your market conduct performance. Analyse users can create custom interactive dashboards and explore their data with a broad section of visualisations and metrics. These include real-time sentiment and volume over time, mapping conversation to regulatory frameworks, and co-occurrence of conversation topics.